João dos Santos Rufino, 1929
Bill Osborne, 2005
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We have seen how a city evolves. Yet within that evolution there are pockets of stasis. Sometimes nothing has changed. Often that is called primitive, but in evolutionary terms, when something is static for extended periods, we call it perfection. Here, then, are some of the "perfect places" of Maputo
And who decides what constitutes change anyway. The trees grow, but is that a change, or is it in the original plan? And if the building is unchanged, but the use is different is that progress, perfection, or regression?
And the converse, the original is completely vanished but the function remains the same. Is more evolution less perfection?
Clearly not, I'd say.
but I could be wrong......
New pictures 2005 © Bill Osborne all rights reserved
Muitos Agradecimentos para Sr João do Santos Rufino, 1929.
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