White-Throated Bee-Eater

Juvenile Bataleur eagle

Mature Bataleur eagle

Red Throated Bee Eater

Martial eagle

Grasshopper Buzzard

Common Fiscal Shrike

European Bee-eater

Red Billed Quelea

Sociable Weaver

Familiar Chat

Purple Roller

Blue Bellied Roller

Broad Billed Roller

Fork-Tailed Drongo

Namaqua Dove

Namaqua SandGrouse

Common Kestrel

Pallid Harrier

Pale Chanting Goshawk

Senegal Parrot

Senegal Parrot

Senegal Parrot

Very Scruffy Pied Hornbill

Southern Yellow Billed Hornbill

Hooded Vulture on our front lawn

Crow 1, Vulture 0
(Vultures are surprisingly timid, despite their appearance)

Double-Toothed Barbet

Crimson-Breasted Shrike

Green Woodhoopoe

Green Woodhoopoe

African Hoopoe

Long-Tailed Glossy Starling

Cape Glossy Starling

Palewinged Starling



African Grey Parrot

Polly wants a cracker.....

One of 26 that were in our tree.

Incoming Pelican

Long-Tailed Cormorant (AKA Reed Cormorant)

Spur-winged Lapwing

Spur-winged Lapwing

Double-Banded Courser

Kori Bustard

Black Koorhan

Cattle Egret young in the nest

Cattle Egret nesting

Lizard Buzzard

Hooded Vultures in Palm Tree in our front garden

Evening Vulture

Pied Crow

Western Grey Plantain Eater (AKA Grey Touraco)